2024-2025 Business Sponsorship

Coleman Middle School PTSA would greatly appreciate your financial support with our Fundraising Drive. This year, more than ever, your support is truly needed.  Your donation will help assist our teachers and staff provide a positive and supportive learning environment for over 1000 6th, 7th and 8th grade students.


Your donation will help Coleman PTSA supply technology, teaching materials, equipment, campus improvements and other supportive programs to our Coleman students and staff. To thank you for participating in our fundraising drive, we offer you the opportunity to display your business’ support in various ways around campus, in our Coleman Chronicle e-newsletter, our PTSA website and social media,


Questions? Contact PTSA VP of Fundraising Paula Barton 

Item DescriptionPriceQty
 $2,500 KING COBRA Sponsor Benefits more
 $1,000 Coleman Black & Gold Sponsor Benefits more
 $500 Coleman Spirit Sponsor Benefits
New this year - Coleman Spirit Sponsor Banner! more
 Community Business Donation
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Please attach camera ready PDF or JPEG artwork


*Please email Paula Barton with any logo or banner questions*


For all other logo placements, send artwork as soon as possible.

Banners will be printed as donations are made, artwork is received and time allows for individual banner production.



All promotional material displayed at the General Membership meetings or on school grounds must be approved by the PTSA President and Coleman Principal.